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Words Start with: (D) PAGE #3

In a seminal article Leopold defined senescence in plant cells along the lines previously proposed by Medawar as the deteriorative processes that are natural causes of death Reductions in bed numbers may mean that it is more likely that patients will be transferred outside of the area which may in turn cost more and may detrimentally affect their treatment This is to a degree a matter of physical skill training and dexterity Signing and talking use the same communication centre in the brain but while the vocal muscles dont really develop until 18 months a baby is dextrous enough to make readable signs from about eight months old But such simple dichotomies incorrectly assume there are easy distinctions to be made between the virtual and the actual subject and object or human and machine In order not to sound too didactic or pedantic the lecturer added anecdotes and personal comments He looked rather sheepish and diffident hands in pockets and a nervous grin on his face Democracy in a multicultural multilingual and multireligious country like India poses difficult problems and dilemmas not easy to resolve My eldest daughter is extremely diligent and settles down to her homework the minute we get home but the little one is not so studious Mixing the let freedom ring chorus in with the funeral dirge that is still ringing in the hearts of the victims families is just shy of vile Professor Hart disabused me of my addled adolescent liberalism and smugness over the four years I was his student as an undergraduate
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